Greenie Weenie

April 17, 2010 at 1:12 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments
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HELLO!  I feel like I should say good morning, but it’s actually afternoon.  Do you ever feel like “good morning” packs more of a happy punch than “good afternoon”?  Afternoon seems more like a formality.  GOOD DAY!

I feel great and I think it’s because I’ve had an awesome day so far.  So much has happened and I still have a ton on my agenda.  Let’s get to it! 🙂

After a super solid night’s sleep (10 hours!) I  got up and did a workout from Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred.  I had worked my way up to Level 2 while training for the half marathon, but it’s been a while since I kicked my own butt with Jillian’s help, so I took it down a notch to Level 1.  Still a good workout!  I was sweating and felt energized when it was over.

I prefer to do workouts like that on an empty stomach, so once I was done, I made a beeline for the kitchen.  GREEN MONSTER TIME!  To my shock and sadness, we were out of peanut butter.  Duh.  I used the jar for breakfast yesterday, you’d think I wouldn’t have been so surprised ;).  After shedding a tear, I decided to take my monster in a different direction and make it chocolate-y.

Into the blender went:

🙂 One cup light plain soymilk

🙂 One frozen banana

🙂 One tablespoon of ground flaxseed (I still need that healthy fat even if I don’t have the pb!)

🙂 Handfuls of spinach

🙂 One spoonful of Nestle Nesquik (I tried to find our cocoa powder but came up short — I would have rather used the powder, but the Nesquik works).

It was pretty tasty!  Not overpoweringly chocolatey, but still good.  Kind of like a chocolate banana milkshake.  I need to consult the Green Monster Movement website for more ideas — I should expand my monster horizons!

Post-breakfast, I hopped on the trusty PhysioFit (my hand-me-down bike) and met my friend Kelly for a ride to the farmer’s market.  I was so excited!  I haven’t seen Kelly in a while and I haven’t been to the farmer’s market since the weather warmed, so this was a welcome field trip.

We biked and chatted the whole way there — Kelly was glad for the company because she’s in training for a bike race in June.  I was excited for the exercise!  I feel like I haven’t been that active this week…something about not running all those miles, I guess.

The bike path in our town is incredible, you see so much of the county and with spring officially here, it was a beautiful ride.

Finally, after about an hour, we had ridden more than 11 miles and made it to our destination!

First things first, I needed some coffee!

I love that the coffee kart makes sure you know you have a choice between “organic sugar” and “sucralose chemical sweetener”.  What can I say, I live in a very “enlightened” town. 😉   I also love that the coffee kart is a “drive thru”.  How does that work if the building is not only a drive thru but also drive-able?  Can you get a cup of joe at a red light?  Tricky, very tricky ;).

Next up, we made a lap of the booths and decided what to buy.

Kelly got some of the delicious asiago bread the local pizza place makes (it’s so good and the quality ingredients really show in the flavor!).  I snacked on the bread samples at the table.  The booth owners probably thought, “okay, lady, stop!  Get away from the bread! Carb hog.”  I  then shopped for produce and settled on red and green lettuce and spinach.

It is always awesome to support local farmers and buy food I know was grown using practices I appreciate.  I must confess, I don’t always buy organic, I can’t always convince myself that organic is more important than cheapy price, but I try.  Today, I felt good about what I was buying.

After a little more browsing and some hummus purchasing, we set out for home.

When all was said and done, we biked 24.6 miles.  I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT.  That’s a heck of a long way.  My rear end feels like someone took a meat tenderizer to it and my thighs have not felt this kind of a burn in a looooooong time, but it is awesome.  I felt very greenie weenie for a) drinking my Green Monster b) riding my bike instead of driving and c) buying local, organic produce from the farmer’s market.  How very hippy chic of Kelly and me.

Granola, anyone?

We were so tired and exhilarated from our ride, we both got into her car and then realized we were still wearing our super cool bike helmets.  Ha!

I just finished up a delicious (and much anticipated) lunch of an egg sandwich on natural whole wheat bread with hummus (yuuuuuuum).

Next up, a trip to Civilization.


Well, we’ve covered that I live in a pretty rural part of the Midwest (see the picture of the farm above for further proof — hah!), so serious shopping must be done several miles away — like an hour of driving.

Just what’s got me driving this far for shopping?

VACATION, BABY!  I’m going swimsuit shopping, thanks to a gift card from my MIL and I’m on the hunt for some cute vacation clothes.

Wish me luck!  This might be the first time I’m exciting about swim suit shopping, but that could all change once I get on a two piece under the harsh florescent dressing room lighting.


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