Three For Me

April 19, 2010 at 11:56 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment
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Stopping back in after a busy weekend away from the interwebs?  Here’s what you missed!

🙂 I got down with my green self, biking to the farmer’s market.

🙂 The battle of the bathing suit began, but I won with the help of a secret weapon.

I had a great morning — it was one of those mornings where everything seemed to fall into place, I got everything done I needed to tend to and I had a few minutes to take a deep breath and enjoy the sunshine.  I usually pack a lot into my days, so the chance to pause and breathe sometimes whizzes by me.

I spent about an hour studying for an upcoming Spanish midterm (eek) and getting myself organized (remember, I’m a returner learner).  Flashcards were made, brows were furrowed.  My professor is allowing me to take the exam early because it falls smack dab in the middle of our Miami vacation.  She’s a gem.  However, this means I feel even more pressure to ace it and I won’t have the same opportunity to ask questions of the prof during the exam (I’ll be taking it proctored somewhere else), so I have to be on my A game.  Studying is in full schwing.

Breakfast was slurped while studying:

I know, I know.  ANOTHER Green Monster Smoothie.  I’m sorry :(.  I know you’re probably over seeing so many pictures of the magnificent green goodness, but it really is my go-to breakfast and I think it should be yours too.  Think about it, how else is a vegetable going to taste so bueno in the AM?  Exactly.  No one puts asparagus on their pancakes or carrots on their cereal.  But you can put spinach in your smoothie.

I’m just sayin’.

I cut myself off from the studying at 8ish to lace up my sneaks and hit the pavement.  I know I went for one run last Thursday, but it just didn’t really feel like I did any kind of running last week.  After training for 12 weeks for the half marathon, this felt akin to something like cutting off your arm.

I did an easy 3 miles and it felt great!  I had been experiencing some calf pain in my left leg (another reason I put off a return to running), but I did some deep stretching before and after and I think the combo of stretching and taking it easy really helped.  I’m excited to get back into the routine.  It was actually chilly this morning and it felt pretty odd to be so covered up.  I was sporting my super-sexy (ehem, not so much) black and hot pink running tights and a long sleeved Nike fit top.  I started out with gloves, but realized after the first mile, it wasn’t THAT cold.  I was just that much of a weenie.

A nice walk with the monsters rounded out my morning exercise and I came into work with a smile on my face.  Let’s see how long that lasts, shall we?  Haha, I joke, I kid.  I love where I work and I like my job, so it’s okay. 🙂

Lunch featured my new obsession: Fit & Active wraps from Aldi.  Did you know that Aldi is owned by the same company as Trader Joe’s?  Another reason not to shirk the good deals to be had there.

My veggie wrap had a schmear of farmer’s market hummus (garlicky and so good), carrots, avocado and farmer’s market lettuce.  Some fruit friends on the side:

And it was delish.

I’m off to resume my work day, but truthfully, my mind is in vacation land.  I’ve already started a mental packing list.  C’mon, Miami!

What’s the one thing you always bring on vacation?  What’s your dream trip?

P.S. The speaker at last night’s event that Sam and I attended was Nancy Cartwright — the voice of Bart from The Simpson’s!  She was so sweet — too bad I wasn’t allowed to watch it as a kid and never got into it as an adult :(.

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  1. I had a green monster smoothie this morning too!! Good job on the run today!

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